Strength Training

When it comes to lifting weights, there are a few common misconceptions. These are:

It’s dangerous

It makes you ‘bulky’

It’s something that requires a base level of fitness first before you ‘work up to it’.

NOT A SINGLE ONE of these is true - and I’ll argue that with anyone who asks.

Done properly, sensibly and with an appropriate workout plan, lifting weights and gaining strength remains one of the best, if not THE best, things you can do for your overall health and wellbeing - regardless of your age, sex/gender, previous experience or current fitness level.

Lifting weights:

Builds muscle and strength (obviously)

Builds work capacity (you can do more stuff, for longer, more easily)

Helps to boost metabolism and burn body fat (in conjunction with proper nutrition)

Strengthens joints, ligaments and bones, reducing risk of acute injuries (essential for people who play sports)

Increases mobility and flexibility (your body gets better at being in challenging positions)

Reduces symptoms of chronic injuries such as lower back pain (by far one of the most common recurring health conditions)

Reduces fall risk and increases independence in old age

And much, much more.

You do NOT need to want to ‘get big’ to lift weights (but if you do, it definitely helps).

Contrary to what you may believe, you also definitely do NOT need to want to ‘get big’ to lift weights (but if you do, it definitely helps). Lifting weights can (and should) be done when gaining, losing OR maintaining body weight. Depending on your goals and how you decide to approach your training, you can use weights to build athletic power, maximal strength, lean muscle mass, muscular endurance, or a combination of all of the above. 

Basically, lifting weights is magic, and everyone - EVERYONE - should do it. You don’t need to become a full-time gym rat or a professional powerlifter/bodybuilder to reap the benefits either. Adding even a small amount of resistance training into your weekly routine will do so much more than just enhance your physique - it will improve your health, enhance your quality of life and boost your confidence. 

Plus, it’s really, really fun.

To get started on your journey to becoming the strongest, healthiest, most badass version of yourself, drop me a message to arrange a free consultation.

And to see what I mean about lifting being fun, head on over to the Gallery and see the Simpletons in action.

“Marcus has genuinely changed my life. I was someone totally scared by the idea of entering a gym, but Marcus really changed my perception around it and made me an increasingly confident person. 

His friendliness and sense of humour mixed with his professionalism and patience made him the best personal trainer I could hope for.”

Paolo Russo